Hi, I'm Alex! I am an enthusiastic writer and game designer. With experience in professional playesting (namely at Sony Playstation London), proficiency in both Unity and Unreal, and self-taught modelling skills in Blender, my background in game design is quite diverse. I am also well-versed in both creative and technical writing, currently writing a novel (submitting it for an award this month - wish me luck!) but having experience in creating game design documents, user manuals, and having recently made a self-published zine.

Debut Zine

'Lilac-Lipped Lust is a zine comprising ten poems. Sandwiched between vineyard i and ii, Lilac explores surreptitious romance and themes of sensuality and longing, its poetry often stepped in natural imagery'. Available to purchase online or in-store at NewBridge Books.

Game Design Reel